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Mission Statement: Ministering to the Masses the Message of the Master is a group of spirit-led-Bible     Believing, members of the (ekklesia) the church – the Body of Christ, like-minded Christian Educators. 


  • We have one goal in mind to reach the disenfranchised, overlooked, down-trodden, and anyone who     feels lost and left behind, with the message of H.O.P.E. in Jesus Christ.  Hopeful now-Obedient-now-     People for ETERNITY with Christ.


  • We rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide every teaching/learning moment as we seek to fulfill the “GREAT COMMISSION” Matthew 28:19-20; to know more about the WORD of God.


“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; things that you may KNOW that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.”~I John 5:13 KJV



Objective is to have a BIBLICAL RESPONSE through our TEACHING, REACHING and SEEKING;  as we endeavor to equip the Body of Christ.     ALL QUESTIONS/COMMENTS ARE VALUED



Salvation is FREE to those who believe in Jesus. So, is this ministry free to anyone who desire our resources and staff to assist you on this journey of discovery. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to sow a seed into this global outreach ministry through your TIME in your community-building relationship, TALENT in your community or your TREASURE in your community, we will partner with you to reach the confused and lost for Christ.


Dean Martha A. Wheaton-Gist, Founder/Administrator
Dr. Mae Cathryne Jackson,Technical Support

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